Governor Information

St Catherine's Emblem - St Catherine's School

Welcome to the Governor information page

On this page you will be able to see who is on our Governing body, view our latest newsletters and the minutes from our meetings.

You will also be able to find out about any vacancies that we have along with all of the information that you will need to apply for any given position. 

Our Governors

Peter Falconbridge - Governor

Peter Falconbridge

Chair of Governors

Mrs Marlow - Staff and Governor

Mrs Marlow

Headteacher governor

Cathy Irons - Governor

Cathy Irons

Co-opted Governor

Dale Webster - Governor

Dale Webster

Parent Governor

Jim Nicolson - Governor

Jim Nicolson

Foundation Governor

John Forrest - Governor

John Forrest

Co-opted Governor

Mike Marsh - Governor

Mike Marsh

Foundation Governor

Mrs Thompson-Storey - Staff and Governor

Mrs Thompson-Storey

Staff Governor

Neil Turner - Governor

Neil Turner

Parent Governor

Thomas Dowle - Governor

Thomas Dowle

Local Authority Governor

Governor Vacancies

We currently have vacancies for two co-opted governors.  If you would be interested in applying for one of the co-opted governor vacancies you can collect an application form from the school office, or download the application form from the link on the governor information page on the school website.  You can also download the information you need about different governor roles. If you would like to discuss your interest, before you make an application, you can email the Chair of Governors, via the school email address (, and he will get in touch with you. 

Parent Governor

Co-opted Governor

Foundation Governor

Local Authority Governor

Governors resigned in the last 12 months

Jelisa Smith – Resigned:  05.02.24