Helpful Information

School opening hours

8:35am – 8:45am: School Opens / Registratrion

3:15pm: End of School day

(32.5hr a week) 

School Dinners


Helpful Documents

Parents Forum

Previous surveys

About parents forum

At St Catherine’s we are always keen to improve things for our children and their families. We encourage all to have a say in what we do and strive to review and reflect on everything. To help us gain an understanding of people’s views we send out regular questionnaires and ask for feedback..

What our community says:

“St Catherine’s has had a very positive effect on my daughter. I feel the staff have supported her emotionally, when at times she’s struggled settling in to the school routine. I was aware before sending my daughter to St Catherine’s, that they have the children’s best interests at heart and encourage learning through play, especially in the early years. They are a very warm and welcoming school, and inevitably the children will flourish in this type of environment. “

St Catherine’s is a wonderful school and Mrs Wallis is an amazing headteacher. We’ve always felt as though the staff really care about each individual child and my son has thrived throughout his time there (he’s yr6 so feeling very sad we’re nearing the end of his time there!) As far as we can see the school works incredibly hard to provide a wonderful space for children to learn, and my son had always felt supported and encouraged even though he may not be the top of the class. Thank you to all the staff for your amazing work, especially over this last season.

“My child has been incredibly happy and has been lucky to have had great teachers every year and made great progress.”

“What worked well (WWW) – community feel, caring ethos, lovely staff, good teaching, core subjects”